
Dictation.io Writes What We Speak

Dictation.io is an online dictation tool  This online web app writes what you speak. You can also speak long sentences in one go. It also supports few voice commends to instruct the tool.
Dictation.io via Google Chrome and you will find a clean writing pad like interface.
To start dictation, click on Start Dictation button at the bottom. If you are on the website first time, it will ask your permission to access the microphone of your system. Allow Google Chrome to use your microphone and then start speaking. It is on https, so it remembers your microphone preferences. You does need to allow it to access your microphone every time. In few seconds, it will start adding text on the pad.

To start a new paragraph, say "New Paragraph." To add punctuation, say "Comma", "Full Stop", "Question Mark". When you are done, click on "Stop Listening" button. To resume the transcription, you can again click on "Start" button.

Dictation.io uses X-webkit-speech attribute of HTML5 which only works on Google Chrome.
It is also available as 
Google Chrome app and works offline. So, you can easily add to your browser and use any time you want.

Dictation is also integrated with Dropbox and Google Drive, you can export your transcribed text to your cloud storage accounts. You can also send text via email.

It saves all your data in Chrome's local storage. When you visit the website again, you will find your text there until you manually clear it.
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