
Upside Down Text Generator

Facebook Chat is a wonderful thing, yet it lacks so many features that we the everyday users are so eager to have, flipping your text upside down and sending it to your Facebook friends is something you are unable to do, but no more. With this cool Chat Tool you can now flip any word, phrase or even a whole paragraph upside down and send it in Facebook chat for your friends to read.

Once you flipped your text using our chat tool, all you have to do is copy paste it into your Facebook chat conversation window and click send, yep it's that simple.
What is the upside down text generator good for you ask? the answer is simple, you can get someones attention with it, you can troll you Facebook friends with it, heck you can even send it to people on Windows Messenger, Skype, Twitter and more, as long as the recipient can accept Unicode text, they can read you upside down message.
And if one of your friends decided to troll you with an upside down message, you can easily convert it into normal text using our handy chat tool. We hope you have lots of fun with this tool.
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