
How To Find/Track Android Phone [2015]

Hello Guys this article is about “How To Find/Track Android Phone”.Basically, this may article may help users who really aware of doing crazy stuffs.Using the method which I will discuss in detail.In this modern world we cannot find a single person who don’t have an experience of using a smart phone hence the person is too old, even now days even a new born baby knows “How To Use Smart Phone”OK.. Let me come to the point. As you all know that Android is a mobile based operating system which owns by the leading search engine “GOOGLE”. comparing to those days we can clearly state that Google traveled so long and made some products to place it in the higher position. one of the greatest this that was invented by Google is Android. And still it’s been enhancing day by day to give a better mobile experience for its users by updating their OS frequently.

How many Of You All Know About Android Device Manager?

Most of the android users are not aware of a feature called Android Device Manager as this feature is not visible in the phone setting its self. Android Device Manager is an official source which is linked to each and every gmail accounts. which really track your phone motion?
This service enables the gmail user to track his/her phone which is under the particular gmail id.This servicealso got some pretty cool feature like Lock the device remotely, Ring the device and other stuffs. I’ll we come in details about it.. :-)

How To Use Android Manager To Track Your Android Phone?

Bellow are the basic simple steps that you should follow to track you phone.
>Visit Android Device Management from your Pc or Laptop
>Using you Gmail id log on to the system.
the phone model in the list that you want to track.
>Once it done the map on the window screen will show the phone location.
Yeah done…! wait.. wait.. You are not done yet.
Finding a lost phone from its location is not that much easier..And it will not happen in real life because now a day peoples are crazy on smartphone.
As per the safety, Google also gives some extra feature other than the finding its location, To protect your data from the victim.

Features of Android Device Manager

Here are some of the features given by google. I ‘ll explain to you and teach you how to do it.

1. Ring

This feature sometimes crazy..! yes..!;-)
track a android phone
[My Personal Experience ]
Once one my friends took my phone to make fun of me, I was searching Searching and keep on searching. Suddenly I remembered Android Device Manger. I use this ring feature to find my phone. Luckily the phone was in my friend bag who sits beside me in the class ..:)

What Is The Phone Is In Silent Mode?

Even the phone is in silent mode the phone will ring.

2. Lock

how do you track a android phone
This is one of the features given by android manager to protect you data. If you choose this option a popup screen will appear and ask you to set the password. so that phone data will be protected. So user cannot access your phone data without this password

3. Erase

If you feel like lazy to find your phone or the phone is too far from your location.. You may let the thief use it..:)
This Erase function will reset your device remotely so that all the data will be deleted
IMPORTANT: SD card data will not be erased during this process


I hope that you may make use of the device manager in future as I have explained each and everything about How to Track Android Phone.” I hope you will enjoy reading this article. you will find more interesting articles. Keep on sharing with your friends so that it will help your friends to find their android phone if the lost or stolen in a future.Please leave your comments bellow.

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